In Momentum Technologies we are committed to vibration control, with many years of expertise in piping vibration problems and flow induced vibration.

Our ambition is to always understand the problem – finding the root cause, assess the severity and – if needed – provide a solution to the problem. Since every plant, construction, design and operational process is unique – understanding is conditional to learning, learning that is converted to experience you bring with you into the next task.

Over the years the experience among our engineers has formed a set of “tools”; methods, shortcuts, know-how – to pull up the sleeve when needed. We would like to share this experience and contribute to the learning about, and understanding of, vibration and perform basic vibration assessment: The Vibration Calculator Toolbox!

Piping vibration assessment & trouble shooting

Quick assessment of vibration that can be done on site with portable vibration measurement equipment

A fast way to get a quick reference for a holistic and reliable vibration assessment of a reciprocating compressor

Piping design & construction guides

Calculation of maximum recommended pipe length between supports

White paper: The Paths to Momentum TMDs with Excellent Performance

Solutions & dimensioning of vibration dampers

A quick assesment of whether the use of a Tuned Mass Damper will reduce resonant vibration.

Find a suitable isolator based on a minimum amount of information

We want to learn from you!

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, have tips for improvement or experience you would like to share within the field of vibrations.