PRODUCTS / Vibration dampers and more

By seeking cooperation with market leading and strong partners, Momentum Technologies can provide a complete and continously up-to date portfolio of products for vibration control.

Momentum Tuned Mass Damper machinery piping

Momentum TMD – a unique high frequency tuned mass damper

The Momentum TMD – a unique high frequency tuned mass damper, is suitable for damping vibration in small bore piping / small bore connections (SBC).

The Momentum TMD is provided in cooperation with Sandvik Coromant (Silent Tools). It is clamped to the pipe, appropriate for damping vibration in the frequency range of <300 Hz and is available for onshore, offshore and subsea applications.

Typical applications are resonance vibration problems in small bore gas piping due to FIP/FLIP (Flow Induced Pulsation) and machinery piping, due to pulsation or mechanical excitation.

tuned mass damper

Through its construction and characteristics, a tuned mass damper is tuned to change the dynamics of the damped structure. By moving the modes away from the troubling excitation frequency and adding damping, resonance vibrations are reduced. The diagram to the left shows the damping effect of a tuned mass damper.

Lisega is world leading manufacturer of vibration damping products (Vicoda), dynamic and static supports.

Through a cooperation with Steinar H. Sunde, Momentum Technologies provide expertise and sales of the Lisega products.

Try out our vibration isolator calculatior where you can find a suitable isolator based upon a minium amount of information:

viscoelastic vibration damper offshore vicoda

Momentum Hydro Hook Support

The Momentum Hydro Hook Support, the HHS, is a totally new damping concept for vibration damping subsea, developed by Momentum Technologies.

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