Momentum deliver top of the class tuned mass dampers. Momentum TMDs are excellent candidates for reducing high frequency resonant vibration, typically for vibration of small bore connections in process facilities, where sound is the main force and where supports or bracing are difficult to install or unviable.
The name «Tuned Mass Damper» (TMD) indicates that the damper needs to be set up correctly (is «tuned») in order to obtain good vibration reduction. So how can we tune a Momentum TMD when the project engineers are in another part of Europe, the plant is in another part of the world and Momentum is in Norway?
This white paper describes possible paths, but do also give an introduction to understanding vibration and vibration damping as well as an example case.

Do you want to learn more on how to to obtain an excellent Momentum TMD with Caesar II or ANSYS APDL?
These presentations describe how to use Caeser II or ANSYS APDL to obtain an Momentum TMD with excellent performance. The described methodology can also be used to evaluate other types of modifications to the system, i.e. supports, bracing, viscous dampers, mass addition etc.